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Never stop learning: why continuous development is the key to a successful career

Posted almost 9 years ago by Rob Markwell
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Whether you followed a conventional route in to the industry via university, grafting through endless placements and internships, or whether you found your way in to the sector by a different route, if you want to stay ahead, this is an industry that requires constant work on your skill set.

Your career may still be in its infancy, or you may be a seasoned professional, but the industry and skillsets required are constantly evolving, which means that continuing your development is crucial to ensure you remain at the forefront in your field. Professional development and accomplishment keeps you first in line for that prized promotion and ensures that you are the one everyone wants to employ in their business; it’s how to safeguard your career and the financial rewards that go hand-in-hand with being one step ahead of your peers.

Continual learning also keeps you motivated to work, engaged with your job and in control of your professional prospects. It’s a truth universally acknowledged that we tend to spend more time at work than we do with our family and loved ones, so isn’t it important that you make it as fulfilling as possible?

As you progress in your career, you will invariably be stretched and end up stepping outside of your comfort zone. As daunting as that can feel at the time, it’s all part of personal development and yet without the correct on-going training, it can result in denting your confidence, negatively affecting the quality of your work and in turn, damaging your chances of job satisfaction and progression.

Some companies have a very well structured development plans and access to training, but unfortunately some do not.  More often than not the companies that do will benefit from a motivated and increasingly talented workforce and enjoy a better staff retention rate. But either way, you have it within you power to do something about it.

Interestingly, whilst we all go to work in order to earn money – and a pay rise is always welcome - recent studies show that over 80% of employees are more likely to stay in a job that offers on-going training and development. It stands to reason, as we all want to progress.

Whether on-the-job training is regularly offered by your current employer or not, we have more access to sources of learning than ever before and you have a duty to yourself and the prosperity of your career to keep your knowledge and skills current. Read articles, blogs, attend seminars and events, listen to your peers, always put your hand up for new experiences – and never stop learning!