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The Drum Network is back in town: Pitch host #ChapterEvent

Posted almost 8 years ago by Rob Markwell
Drum Business Network

For the latest event hosted on-site here at Pitch, we welcomed back The Drum Network with their Chapter Event series for an evening of ‘Drive, thrive and strive in agency life’.

We were delighted to present Peter Czapp, co-founder of The Wow Company and Pearlfinders director James de Mellow to offer our delegates unrivalled industry insight. Learning about how to double your client spend and strive as an agency in the current market and how you can aim to grow profits alongside your reputation, certainly got everyone talking and ideas fizzing.

Sharing experience and networking is always the order of the day when we’re visited by The Drum Network's members and the evening lived up to its entertaining reputation for pleasant and thought-provoking chat over a selection of nibbles and beverages.

Pitch are always open to host industry occasions so if you're in need of an events space, why not give us a call? In the meantime, watch this space – our events calendar is hotting up!