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PlacedByPitch | Selina

Posted over 6 years ago by Rebecca Thomas
PlacedByPitch Selina

It is always great to hear back from a candidate that we have helped place in a role that they love and are thriving in. This is where the idea of PlacedByPitch came from, we wanted to share how some of our top candidates, from juniors through to seniors hires, are getting on in their new positions and the advice they would offer other job seekers in their search.

Selina is no stranger to Pitch, having worked with us before to secure previous roles. This latest experience finding a role was with Gabriella and Anton, here is what Selina had to say about the process:

What do you do and where do you work?

I'm the new Digital Account Manager at Native Web, a digital agency in Worcestershire. My day to day is getting stuck in with proposals, websites, apps as well as helping out with general marketing within the business.


What process did you go through when you were thinking about looking for a new job?

Well, I did the unusual thing of job searching after I handed my notice in. I went to the Pitch website and applied for roles which I liked the look of. Pitch had placed me in my last two roles within digital marketing agencies so I enlisted their help once again!

After sending my CV over, I went to the Pitch offices for an informal chat with Jess and Gabriella to discuss my CV and the companies they work with. I considered agency, client-side and freelance all of which Pitch have roles for.

The overall process with Pitch took around a month, which is quite short considering recruitment process' can take a while.


What was the motivation behind your move?

I love my previous agency, so much so I'm still in contact with a fair few people there. It was time for a different environment and new projects which I could get my teeth stuck into.


How did Pitch help with your job search?

They were great and took the time to get to know what I wanted. We'd have a call before and after an interview and would discuss employer feedback to prep me for the next interview.

What is your top tip for current job seekers? (interview tip, search tip etc.)

Ah! I can't say I've got one tip that outweighs the others. I've added a few which have helped me:

Research: Do your research on the company before going to the interview. If you haven't done this it becomes very apparent when asked about the company.

Listen to feedback: One of my interviewers feedback was, 'Try and tie your experience back to the question'. I'm quite the storyteller so it's easy to go on a tangent and forget the original question. So this was quite good feedback to receive.

Ask questions: Once you've done your research some questions should come to mind quite naturally. It's important to gage more about the company and the culture. This is only found out by asking the people who work there. I tend to type them out on my phone and ask them towards the end of the interview.

Relax!: I've been on both sides of interviewing so I don't get nervous during this process. One thing I always tell myself is, 'Interviews are a two way street, you want to make sure a company is right for you and vice-versa.'

Keep up the moral: Just because one interview didn't go your way doesn't mean you should be disheartened. The right role is out there for you. As cheesy as it sounds every 'no' you receive is closer to a 'yes'.

We've also caught up with some former candidates over on our YouTube channel that you can watch now.