#FreelanceLife | Chapter 15 | Dan
Posted about 6 years ago by Rebecca ThomasWelcome back to #FreelanceLife! It's brilliant to have you here again. It's an August double-header, as this is the second episode of the month.
Dan is an award-winning Digital Designer who's produced some fantastic work as a freelancer and in-house. We sat down with Dan to ask him a few quick-fire questions about his #FreelanceLife.
1. What is your favourite thing about being a Freelancer?
I love the freedom and flexibility of being my own boss and working on the things I am passionate about.
2. What is your least favourite thing about being a Freelancer?
Maintaining a steady flow of work can be hard sometimes and you don’t always get the work you apply for, but you learn to be resilient to any setbacks and stay focused with a positive outlook.
3. What skills are essential for a Freelancer?
As a freelance you find yourself wearing many hats, from management projects and accounting to marketing and building client relations, so I believe applying the following skills will set you in good stead:
* Time management
* Organisation
* Resilience
* Flexibility
* Punctuation
* Communication
4. On average, what time do you start and finish work? What does your day map out?
I tend to work 9am - 6pm, although this can sometimes vary depending on client deadlines.
5. How often do you work remotely?
Since going freelance I have only worked remote which has been great, although I do miss working amongst others from time to time.
6. What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?
The positives outweigh the negatives, and the sense of achievement you get makes it so worthwhile.
7. Would you ever consider going for a permanent position?
No, not at this moment in time. Going freelance was the best career move I have ever made.
8. What is the most standout memory from your Freelance Career?
I think taking the leap into the unknown has been the biggest standout memory for me so far. Initially, it was very daunting to leave a job with a regular income that paid the mortgage, but I was really excited to be perusing my passion and ready to embrace whatever I was faced with.
9. What song best represents your Freelance state of mind? Metal, Hip Hop, Classical?
It would have to be a bit of Wham, I’m your man, a guilty pleasure of mine.
Don't worry Dan, Wham isn't a guilty pleasure at all. Everybody loves a bit of Wham (I hope). That's all for #FreelanceLife for August but we'll be back with another instalment in September so keep your eyes peeled for that one. In the meantime, you can always catch up on previous episodes here to get your Freelance fix.
If you're on the hunt for freelance work or freelance candidates then please don't hesitate to get in touch with Ellie, our freelance consultant.