The importance of video in marketing
Posted almost 6 years ago by Pagan Locke
As digital consumers, we are subjected to video content everywhere we look.
Surely I can’t be the only who scrolls aimlessly through Facebook, watching videos that have no relevance to me, yet still end up falling into a video wormhole?
Tech giants, HubSpot have conducted an investigation into the pulling power of video content and the results are staggering.
The term ‘video’ in the subject line of an email increased open rates by 19%
90% of customers admitted that video influenced their buying decision and
80% of all web traffic will be dedicated to video by the end of this year.
If you’re a serious marketer, these stats simply can’t be ignored. If customer buying patterns are influenced by video then why not utilise this? Show your product/ service in action to your customers to try and boost conversion rates. Customers want guarantees and as you should be promoting products/services you are proud of, go ahead and show off that bit more. Hosting engaging video on your website will keep users on your site for longer which in turn increases the chances of a conversion… whatever your end goal may be.
The massive increase in video content also means it is now even easier to produce commercial standard film. If you’re one of the many millions who own an iPhone X, you’ll be able to capture video in crisp 4K quality. Whilst I appreciate that the iPhone X is pricey, at least this means we can say goodbye to having to splash out on clunky, shoulder-mounted cameras.
As a consumer, I’m getting lazier (or smarter) in the way I digest content. On my daily commute, I find myself watching videos rather than long-form copy articles because I prefer being told the story rather than having to read an article. Conveying your brand’s story and message is much easier to interpret in the form of audio and moving imagery in comparison to copy.
In terms of boosting your employability brand, clients and potential employees want to hear the stories from the horse's mouth. Written testimonials are a thing of the past and lack the trustworthy nature that a video testimonial does. A virtual tour of your business premises gives potential employees a real feel of your workplace culture which is something you should be showcasing at every opportunity.
So, at a loss where to begin? Here at Pitch, we are now offering an employability branding service to compliment our recruitment service. From Talent and Acquisition audits to complete video packages designed to showcase what you are best at, if you would like to discuss further, drop me an e-mail and I will be more than happy to help.