Q2: Marketing recruitment is going from strength to strength
Posted almost 3 years ago by Steve Smaylen
Despite rising costs, marketers across the UK are pointing to a strong Q2 for recruitment.
38.8% of marketers are reporting strong hiring intentions across their business for the quarter with only 7.1% predicting job losses.
Continued growth is fantastic news for in-house and agency businesses alike, however their ability to hire for key skillsets may still be a challenge, and these challenges should be considered when crafting the recruitment plan and timeline.
Here’s what we’re seeing around hiring Marketers:
Be mindful around time to hire:
As of March (2022) the average time to hire for in-house teams is 31.7 days and 24.9 days for agencies. Whilst the average time to hire has shrunk since the start of the year, indicating some of the issues around talent acquisition may be lifting, we typically see this time increase as we enter the late spring and summer months as holidays and annual leave become more present.
In recruiting, we’re asking businesses to be mindful of the time to hire and how this is likely to impact their business. If there’s an urgent requirement, such as a staff absence due to sickness or a sudden influx of work, utilising alternative options such as freelance or FTC’s could be a viable alternative to tight timelines.
Some skillsets are taking longer to hire:
Marketing is a wide field and within it there are multiple specialisms. When it comes to the more specialist skillsets (SEO, PPC, Paid Media) we can expect the average time to hire to take longer than a Marketing Executive, for instance, due to shortages of talent in these fields.
Due to these shortages, being competitive in your salary and benefits package is vital to candidate attraction with these skillsets. You can read more about this in our 2022 recruitment trends report.
Looking for a junior?
If you’re considering taking on a junior during Q2, then you may be in luck. During May to June we begin to see more graduates entering the market eager to put their degrees to use.
But when looking for a junior, don’t fall into the trap of wanting years worth of experience. Whilst some may have had prior work experience, a placement year or the odd bit of interning here and there, many are likely to have been hindered by the pandemic and reduction in job opportunities.
Looking to boost your marketing team?
You could take a peak at the services we offer, but to get a true understanding of the Pitch experience and how we can help you, then speaking with our team is probably best.
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Header image: Adapted from Photo by Polina Zimmerman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-red-and-black-floral-dress-using-macbook-3746939/