My Journey to shareholder
Posted over 1 year ago by Heidi Moreby
Let’s take ourselves back to 4th January 2021, an eager new recruit walks into the Pitch offices, optimistic and positive about the next step in her career, being back in a vibrant office environment with her brand new team and getting back to normal in a post covid world… Seven hours later we’re back in lockdown – what a start!
Two and a half years on and things look very different – for me and for the world. But as the time has passed I haven’t taken the time to reflect on my journey with Pitch, we don’t do we? We crack on because life is busy. So when I was asked to take a look back it seemed almost impossible to remember the highs and the lows, the challenges and the wins, the twists and turns in the journey – there have been many and I’ve never learnt so much, been out of my comfort zone so much, or doubted myself so much.
But my overriding feelings are of pride and gratitude – I’m proud of my achievements, my perseverance when things have felt hard and I’m beyond proud of the business that I’m a part of. I’m grateful to my team, an exceptionally talented bunch of brilliant recruiters who have my back as I have theirs and I’m grateful beyond words to Reb and Rob, who took a risk in the midst of a pandemic and hired me. They gave me a chance and the promise of an opportunity that was too good to turn down, and that promise stood firm through the good times and the more challenging times. They welcomed with me open arms to what was a pretty tight leadership team and gave me the space to carve out my place, they pushed me so far out of my comfort zone that there were many times I felt completely out of my depth, but they were always there to catch me if I looked like I was about to fall (flat on my face at times!), and they supported me to grow and develop as a leader.
And now, the next chapter begins… as a director and shareholder of Pitch! And I can’t wait to see what the twists and turns of the journey look like.
What advice would I give thinking back on my journey? Take the risk, push yourself out of your comfort zone, try to enjoy every day and take the positive learns from the challenging times but celebrate the wins however small they are. But most importantly, surround yourself with the right people, they are worth their weight in gold.