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Your 8 Point Job Search Checklist

Posted over 11 years ago by Gabriella Policarpo
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When you embark on your search for a new job, there’s an array of things to do in order to ensure you’re attractive to potential employers. We’ve whittled the list down to 8 key points we think are essential to get right.

1. Define your personal brand – think about what makes you unique. Why should employers hire you over your competitors? Having this clear in your mind helps to position your CV, your applications and your interviews.

2. CV – this is your number one priority. Take time to perfect it.

3. LinkedIn – the majority of employers will expect you to have a good LinkedIn profile, especially for marketers and anyone in a client facing role. What does your LinkedIn profile say about you? Is it consistent with your CV? Ask your connections for testimonials – make it sell you.

4. Online persona/privacy – just as importantly, are your privacy settings on Facebook locked down? Are all those pictures of drunken activity hidden from view? 80% of employers now use social media as part of their screening process.

5. Research – do your homework! Know the company you’re meeting, know their competitors, take time to research who you’re meeting.

6. Interview preparation – careful preparation is absolutely crucial to your success. Know your CV, know your success stories, practice popular interview questions, prepare questions you want to ask.

7. References – do you know who your references are? Can you get any to support your application? References don’t just come in to play once you’ve secured an offer – they’re a powerful tool in supporting your application.

8. Be persistent - Job searches can sometimes be challenging. Don’t get discouraged. Follow up on every lead, and be confident in your abilities.