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#FreelanceLife | Chapter 4 | Kitty

Posted about 7 years ago by Rebecca Thomas
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Welcome back to #FreelanceLife!

This is the last instalment of the year and what a good one it is with Designer Kitty.

Kitty takes great pride in her work and completing tasks to a high standard. She describes her key strengths as being in quality, detail and being thorough, as well as injecting a little fun into her work, when appropriate!

Over to Kitty...


1. What is your favourite thing about being a Freelancer?

I love the feeling of freedom! I like not being tied down to the same job on a permanent basis and instead be able to go to several different companies and work on a variety of projects.


2. What is your least favourite thing about being a Freelancer?

The instability of being a Freelancer can be hard at times. Luckily I haven’t had too long a period without work so far but sometimes I do get a bit worried after a week of having no work that I might not get any more freelance work again! However, the unreliable workflow is all part of being a Freelancer, and I try to remind myself of that.


3. What skills are essential for a Freelancer?

As a designer, it is obviously really important to know the main Adobe creative programmes inside out. It’s important to be able to get your head down and get the job done too. Usually, a company hires a freelancer to help them out during a busy spell so they are not looking for someone to have great conversations with but more just to get the work done!


4. On average, what time do you start and finish work? What does your day map out?

My working hours will depend on those set by the company I am working for but it is usually pretty consistent in being 8.30 to 5 or 9 to 5 - the usual working hours.


5. How often do you work remotely?

I never really work remotely! Before I went freelance, I thought that freelancing meant that you work from home, however, I have found that actually this rarely happens due to the fact that what you are working on is usually all backed up on a server that you won’t have remote access to. It is also much easier for the company you are freelancing for to give you guidance in person.


6. What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?

I wish someone had told me to try freelancing sooner! I don’t think it’s a very conventional career route because there can be risk involved as there are periods when you are without work and obviously you don’t get holiday or sick pay and a permanent job offers a lot more stability. However, for me, I feel that I have learned much faster about the industry and new skills than I ever would have in a permanent job. I also thought that without a massive contact list and networks, freelancing would be really hard to sustain, however, Pitch has been a brilliant support and provided me with lots of different opportunities and found work that is suitable for me.


7. Would you ever consider going for a permanent position?

No, it would have to be an awesome opportunity to consider it! I have had freelance roles that I have really enjoyed and think I would like to do permanently but I don’t think it would compare to doing it on a freelance basis.


8. What is the standout memory from your Freelance Career? (Whether it brings, elation, anger, humour, sadness) 

I don't really have a standout moment as things have gone pretty smoothly so far! However, I have found that freelancing brings with it a whirlwind of emotions! Joy and pride when companies give great feedback for work I've done with them and it's great to be asked to be re-booked, to frustration when you have to chase up invoices (rare but does happen), to surprise when you go for an interview and you're asked if you can start with them straight away! 


9. What song best represents your Freelance state of mind? 

Ooh this is hard! I think something jazzy and improvised and unstructured to reflect the varied life of a freelancer!


And with that ends a first fantastic year of #FreelanceLife! 

You can go back and read all of this year's chapters via our blog, underneath 'Freelance'. First up in the New Year is the wonderful Kevin, so make sure you are back in 2018 bright and early.

Thank you to everyone that contributed this year and of course all of the readers. If you would like to get involved with #FreelanceLife next year or have an idea for a special (like this or this) then just get in touch with us.

See you next year,

#FreelanceLife Team x