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Did we achieve in 2020?

Posted almost 4 years ago by Rob Markwell
Screenshot 2020 12 18 At 12

2020 wasn’t exactly what we expected it to be, frankly, no one anticipated this year.

For 2020 we planned to go through a year of growth, expanding our team, operational markets and market insights to secure our position as an honest, trustworthy and insightful recruitment firm.

Sadly 2020 put a match to those ambitions and instead of driving towards the future, we had to take a step back. Many difficult decisions had to be made which sadly led to us making some of our team members redundant. In a small business like ours our team are our family, we hear stories of their families and personal lives which made this one of the most difficult things we have ever had to do.

Outside of our business we have witnessed firsthand the impact of Covid-19 on the economy, providing outplacement support to clients who have been placed in a similar position as us and  supporting frustrated job seekers through one-to-one calls, webinars and CV workshops.

Whilst 2020 has in many respects been bleak, we have managed to find some positives.

For a start, we have been able to better align ourselves with who we are and what we stand for. Giving back has been a core element of the Pitch brand since we were founded and throughout this year we have dedicated ourselves to giving back to our communities as much as possible.

As part of the 2.6 challenge our team raised over £3,400 for Refuge, we contributed to a webinar with our friends at The Marketing Meetup and offered CV workshops to jobseekers struggling in the market.

However, we also like to give back to our team. And though offering a flexible working package was already on the cards for 2020, our plans here were accelerated. We now offer a package which allows our team to work from home multiple days per week, with the option for flexible start and finish times. When combined with our move to the country side, it is easy to see our team is happier.

In some ways whilst we didn’t see the growth we had planned for this year, we still managed to achieve our objective for being honest, trustworthy and insightful, it just took a different path than we anticipated.

What is 2021 going to look like for Pitch?

In 2021 we don’t want to lose sight of how we have been able to adapt to the new market. Though a difficult period, 2020 took us back to our start-up days, where we were clear about where we wanted to go and precisely how we wanted to make an impact.

This is not to say we did not lose sight of this previously, but rather we feel more energised now to make the mark we have been intending. 2021 will almost feel like a fresh slate for us, where we can be more intentional as a business and driven as people.

Image credit:

Header: Image adapted from Photo by Claudia Schmalz from Pexels